Essential Reading
1.Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 05.06.2019 № 1269 “Emergency
medical care .: Pre-hospital stage. New clinical protocol “.
2.Emergency and Urgent Medical Care / medichna pomoga: navchalnyi posibnyk /O. Yu. Bodulev, O. M. Dyky, AI Mohylnyk and others. ; head ed. DA Shkurupiy,
lane. from Ukrainian – Vinnytsia: Nova Kniga, 2019. – 200 p.
3. Order of the Ministry of Health № 1269 of 05.06.19 “On approval and
implementation of medical and technological documents for EMD standardization”
4. Clinical routes of patients / victims of emergency medical care at the prehospital
stage. Volume III / V.O. Krylyuk, SO Gur, ev, AA Hudyma, G.Yu. Tsymbalyuk
and others.- K .: Revives -2020.-350p.
Supplemental Reading
1. Methodical instructions for the practical lesson «Basic Life Support» for the discipline «First Aid» (according to the Bologna system) / authors: Y. V. Shkatula, Y. О. Badion, I. V. Veselova. – Sumy : Sumy State University, 2019. – 17 p.
2. «Methods of External Bleeding Control» for the discipline «First Aid» (according to the Bologna system) / authors: Y. V. Shkatula, Y. О. Badion. – Sumy : Sumy State University, 2020. – 26 p.
Web-based and electronic resources
1. Website department of Emergency Care and Disaster Medicine
2. European Resuscitation Council
3 .American Heart Association
4. The testing center –