general information

Department of Emergency Care and Disaster Medicine

History of development

We teach on the basis of modern European standards, fundamental achievements of national medicine, our personal experience of many years and traditional Ukrainian charity!

The Department of Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine was established by the order of the Rector of Sumy State University № 0928-I from December 18, 2019 and to implement a joint order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, Ministry of Health of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 29.09.2015 № 514/633/989 “About the establishment of departments of disaster medicine and military medicine.”
Training program of specialists: specialty 222 “Medicine”, 228 “Pediatrics”, 221 “Dentistry”, 229 “Public Health”, 227 “Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy”, 017 “Physical Education and Sports”.
Students of 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th year study at the department; internship doctors, clinical residents and graduate students are trained at the department.
The following disciplines are taught at the department: “Emergency medical care”, “Anesthesiology and intensive therapy”, “First aid”, “Training of reserve officers in the educational field “Health Care”, “Military toxicology and radiology”,” Medical protection of force”.
All teachers of the department have significant practical experience in providing emergency medical care to victims. They are professional traumatologists, resuscitators, specialists of the emergency medical service and disaster medicine, military doctors.